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"Trucks & Services Statewide"


Service in Your Area that You can Depend on!


  • Quality service, where customer come first

  • Rapid response

  • California's largest used oil collection fleet

  • Local customer service and dispatch

  • Automated scheduling

  • Offices throughout the state

  • Excellent compliance and DOT record


Used Oil Collection


With more than 70 used oil trucks servicing the state, Asbury has established itself as the largest used oil and antifreeze transportation hauler in California. Used oil and used antifreeze can be picked up in either drums or bulk in any quantity and will be recycled at the DeMenno/Kerdoon (DK) facility in Compton, California. DK is our sister company and part of the World Oil family of companies.


Drained, used oil filters can also be picked up in drums and replacement drums are available at no additional charge.


Vacuum Trucks & Trailers


Asbury has a CARB-compliant fleet of vacuum trucks and trailers that range in carrying capacity from 2,000 gallons to 5,000 gallons.  The fleet includes eighteen 120bbl and six 70bbl units strategically placed at our terminals throughout California to help expedite services to our customers


With both conventional and stainless steel tankers, Asbury is able to transport almost any type of hazardous waste.


Hazardous Waste Containers / Oil Filters


With more then 24 containerized waste service trucks throughout California we are able to accommodate all customers, whether large or small, in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


Trinity Antifreeze Product Sales


Distributed by Asbury, our line of Trinity antifreeze products is something we can all be proud of. Trinity is the result of meticulous recycling of used antifreeze products at the DK facility. Our line of Trinity antifreeze products meets ASTM standards and is available to our retail business customers to serve the broad array of vehicle manufacturers and age of vehicles.


Click here for a product listing of all Trinity antifreeze products. For more detailed sales sheets on some of our most popular products, following are their links: Trinity Advanced Multi-Purpose (AMP) Extended Life Mixed Fleet Heavy Duty, Trinity Elite Heavy Duty Extended Life, Trinity Extended Life Universal Light Duty, and Trinity Fully Formulated Heavy Duty.


Depending on the type and quantity, Trinity antifreeze products are available in gallon jugs, drums and bulk.


We also have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each Trinity antifreeze product. Below are links to the MSDS for each product.










Parts Washer/Brake Service Washer Services


Through our Aqueous Parts Washer System, Asbury provides a variety of part and brake washer equipment (for rent or purchase) and affordable and SCAQMD-compliant cleaning services. Click here for a flyer with more details.


Southern California: 800.974.4495
Northern California: 800.727.2879

Call or Email Us Today!

Trinity Antifreeze

Distributed by Asbury, our line of Trinity antifreeze products is a top customer choice that meets all ASTM standards.
Click here for product listing and specifications.

2014 Asbury Environmental Services

Visit our Corporate Office

1300 S. Santa Fe Ave.

Compton, CA 90221


T: 800.974.4495

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